
Last Update: 19 June 2009

This website (or web Portal) is totally managed by Association Ensemble900, with registered office on Via Colle Innamorati 414, Pescara - Italia, P.Iva 01825290685, Tel/Fax: 085 4159985. The Association performs non-profit cultural activities, organizing musical activities and is involved on musicologic research and protection of the italian cultural heritage. We strongly advise to read this disclaimer and the legal notices fot the use of this website, the use of the website results on an implicit agreement of the clauses within these documents. Ensemble900 can modify anytime the informations published on this disclaimer and the legal notices on this web page, the user should then verify the disclaimer and the legal notices any time he access the website.

Though all the informations published on this Website are constantly updated, Ensemble900 cannot guarantee the reliability of the notices reported on it, and will not be held responsible under any circumstances for any damage derived from the proper or un-proper use of the informations contained within this website.

This website could contain some links (iperlinks) to third party websites. Ensemble900 cannot control any content published by them,product or services eventually offered by them, security and privacy policy adopted, and the working modalities of these websites.
Ensemble900 is therefore not responsable for any eventual law infringement by those third party web sites. Some pages from these links could contain damaging or offending material for some user, thus browsing those web pages is under exclusive rensponsability of the user. Ensemble900 is not rensponsable for any damage occurring from the browsing on these web sites.

The international laws on copyright prohibits the un-authorized reproduction and the public deployment of protected material. Reproduction in whole or in part of the contents of this Website is forbidden. Is thus prohibited to publish any content without an explicit approval of the authors. The prohibition is specifically applicable to published contents, the graphical realization and the original work addressed to the website, of exclusive property of Koala Web Solutions di S.Claudio, with registered office in Pescara (Italy), P.zza della Marina 2/8, P.Iva 01722410683.

This disclaimer do not intend in any way to exclude the respect of regulations governing the protection of personal data (see our privacy policy), nore of elude the responsability where it can not be excluded by the current legislation.

To help us to guarantee a quality service we ask our users to signal us any content could eventually cause material or non-material damage that  may appear on the website.

Data Controller, Data supervisor and person in charge of the processing the personal data pursuant to section 13 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196/03 on "Protection and processing of personal data" is Mr Pierluigi Mencattini.

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